As the revelation approaches, you can basically see popping up on screen a roulette spinning between "I am your father!", "It was Earth all along!", "You are one of us too!", "WE are the Earthlings!" and "It was his sled!".I'm still wondering if they thought they were smart or touching. Needless to say, none was the inteded effect. I'm not going to spoil it, because it's a key element to fully experience how bad this thing is, I'll just say that it will give you one of three reactions: you will burst out laughing, burst out crying, or check what the hell was in that drink you just had because such a cheap, lame and out-of-the-blue plot twist can't possibly be anything but a result of mental alteration. The cornerstone to understand what masterpiece of clumsiness we're in front of is actually the finale. It's not only stupid and confusing, but at times even contradictory, and you can see that it actually takes itself seriously by trying to be too many things for a low-budget 20-minute OVA and not even once showing any tongue-in-cheek attidude. Not a single element has not been already seen a billion times. Everything is told so confusingly and superficially and with so many clichés that at no point will you care for the story. And you totally should watch it.STORY: 1.5/10What little can be understood of the plot is: some starship somehow went "kaboom" while delivering something from Mars, then some big ugly things called "Ancients" appear to be attacking randomly in Japan and there are some (probably underage, and seemingly retarded) girls and a lad in a cool suit fighting them. Something your mind will initially refuse to register as true, and then shiver with a flow of many different and conflicting emotions. Something you wouldn't ever believe to be possible outside of the realm of LEGEND.